Recruitment country sales manager Netherlands

It’s official for already quite a while now: England is leaving the European Union. Because of this, some of the English companies decided to base their company somewhere else. For example, in The Netherlands. But why?

The Netherlands after the Brexit

In the Netherlands, there is a qualitative infrastructure. Because of this, it’s a good place to establish your company. In the Netherlands you can work easily with other companies worldwide. There are also good digital providers in the Netherlands, which is good for the efficiency of your company. Above that, a lot of people in The Netherlands speak English. This is important, if you originally have an English based company. If you are thinking about going with your company to the Netherlands, you need a country sales manager. A country sales manager is responsible for your business in a certain country. It’s important that this sales manager represents your company correctly in this country. You have a certain tone of voice in your company. It’s important to keep this same tone of voice in other countries. Otherwise, your country doesn’t have the same feeling worldwide. And that certain feeling can make your company representative worldwide.

It’s hard to make a good name with your company, but it’s easy to create a bad name. You can only make a first impression once. If your country sales manager is not responsible enough, it can break your company worldwide. You have enough reasons now to find a good country sales manager in the Netherlands. But how do you do this?

Country sales manager in The Netherlands

If you need to find a country sales manager, it’s important to have a list of requirements that are important for your country sales manager. The first thing that is required, is responsibility. A country sales manager has a big responsibility. Therefore, you want to find a country sales manager that can handle this. You can see on someone’s cv if the person has experience with responsibility. Maybe the person was a sales manager before. But of course, it’s not sure that a sales manager can also handle the responsibility of a country sales manager.

Sales recruitment and assessment for country sales manager

At CRS Consultants, we work with sales assessments. With these assessments we test the motivation and personality of the candidate. We can give you a substantiated advice with this. We are so sure that we can give you the right person for your company, that we work with a no cure no pay guaranty. Because of this, you only get costs which makes your company better. We are professionals in recruiting sales managers.

Right person, right company

You need the right person in the right company. Someone could be a really good sales manager, but not for your company. Your company has a certain amount of people working in it, a certain influence on the world and a certain tone of voice. The country sales manager needs to be able to fit in here. If you don’t know if someone fits, we would like to help you. For example, with our sales assessments.

Practice situations from practice

If you really want to get to know the way someone works, it’s good to practice situations from practice with the candidates. For example, you can come up with a crisis situation in which the country sales manager needs to handle in an accurate way. Try to find a situation that the candidate doesn’t expect. With this, you can practice how fast the candidate can react to a certain situation. It’s also a possibility to give the candidate a deadline for this. For example, he needs to have a solution in half an hour. With this you can test if someone can handle the pressure from working as a country sales manager.

Work together with CRS Consultants

We from CRS Consultants Sales Recruitment and Coaching would like to help you to find the right country sales manager in the Netherlands. We are Dutch, so we know everything about the country. Thereby we have a lot of experience with recruiting sales managers. We are professionals in this field. Contact us for more information or a non-committal conversation.

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Jack Bakker is sales en recruitment consultant bij CRS. Hij deelt graag kennis over alles wat met sales te maken heeft. 

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